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See DiviPay in Action

Trusted by Australia's fast growing businesses
"Making business payments and expense reporting a single, auto-populated, low-friction event at the time of purchase is a big step forward for increasing compliance with our card users. With DiviPay I have a central control hub to instantly issue cards, cancel cards or change limits 24x7 which is a game-changer." Damien Williams, Finance Director @ Medipass
"DiviPay solved the highly clunky and inefficient process of getting corporate cards issued for employees. DiviPay is easy to use, has a quick response time for customer service queries and comes with seamless integration with Xero." Jasmine Lee, Chief Financial Officer @ Reinventure
"DiviPay has enabled us to grow in a way that is not possible with traditional credit cards. As a new Company with limited cash, it has allowed us to dynamically assign funds to employees, as required to purchase parts and cover expenses. New starters or contractors can be issued a virtual corporate card in minutes, it is also super easy to re-assign or cut-off funds to suit the operational needs of the business." Simon Zaiko, Director @ JDZ Solar